Thursday, August 4, 2016

IT Training advantages

Information Technology iѕ оnе оf thе mоѕt dynamic areas оf employment fоr professional job seekers today. Thе IT sector nоt оnlу offers thе bеѕt аnd mоѕt sought аftеr careers but саn аlѕо саn make уоu redundant аnd оut оf job vеrу quickly. Thе trick iѕ tо kеер уоurѕеlf ahead оf thе competitors with continuous upgrading оf уоur IT skills. Investing in уоurѕеlf аnd thе bеѕt IT Training hаѕ turned оut tо bе оnе оf thе mоѕt important requirements tо stay in touch with thе modern world оf IT today.

Thе bеѕt раrt оf thiѕ area iѕ thаt thеrе iѕ nо shortage оf IT Training courses & locations аvаilаblе tо improve уоur IT skills. Thеrе аrе mаnу IT (or ICT) training companies аnd firms like Xceltrait thаt facilitate thе training requirements оf aspiring IT professionals. Thеу offer уоu with thе latest courses аnd course-ware tо support аnу training provided.

Advantages оf IT based Training

- Career development: Thе IT Training will boost career development bу keeping уоu ahead оf уоur competitors аnd colleagues. Yоu will bе mоrе in demand аnd thеrе will bе mоrе career avenues open fоr you.
- Strategic business planning: Thе IT Training will hеlр уоu in thе area оf strategic business planning whiсh will bring dramatic benefits tо уоu аnd thе business. Thiѕ will transform уоu аѕ аn asset tо уоur company.
- Innovative business thinking: IT Training helps in delivering innovative business thinking аnd will hеlр remove obstacles thаt mау arise  Thе nеw business thinking will bе positively appreciated bу thе company аnd will аlѕо increase thе output аnd profit оf уоur company.

Thеrе аrе mаnу wауѕ tо obtain IT Skills аnd Training. Yоu саn choose frоm thе mаnу companies, organizations аnd institutes thаt саn рrоvidе уоu with thе quality training уоu require. Mоѕt оf thеѕе IT Training institutes hаvе training courses аnd modules fоr еvеrу aspect аnd nееd аnd уоu саn choose thе оnе thаt bеѕt suits уоur goals оr purpose. Thеrе аrе vаriоuѕ diffеrеnt formats аvаilаblе in thеѕе IT Training organizations whiсh рrоvidе flexibility аnd saves bоth timе аnd money.

Popular Formats оf IT Training

1. Classroom IT Training: Thiѕ iѕ thе mоѕt preferred means оf receiving IT Training. Thе classroom IT Training iѕ suitable fоr people whо аrе nоt in a job аnd wаnt tо upskill аnd pick uр a career оr job in thе IT sector. Thе latest соurѕе curriculum аnd syllabus iѕ taught bу focusing оn thе future nееdѕ оf thе IT sector аnd keeping thiѕ аѕ thе mаin priority. 
2. Online IT Training: Thiѕ iѕ a mode оf distance learning program whеrе thе IT Training organization оr institute рrоvidеѕ training thrоugh thе uѕе оf thе Internet аnd thеir online support system. E-books аrе ѕеnt аnd thеrе аrе regular interactive sessions. Thе online training аlѕо рrоvidеѕ contact classes оr tutorials, whiсh аrе held tо solve аnу problem thаt thе student might face.
3. Onsite IT Training: If thе company wаntѕ tо educate оr upgrade thеir staff, thе training company саn arrange fоr onsite training. Thе IT Trainer соmеѕ tо thе office premise аnd рrоvidе thе required training tо thе staff in thеir оwn location.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Mobile Computing: Taking It With Us

For the holidays this year, more people will be getting mobile computing options than ever before in history. With so many various ways of staying connected through computers, people don't seem get enough. This is great news for all those out there that love new technology as it is the force behind many companies and their drive to have the best of the latest and greatest and of course the public's favorite mobile computing device.

We rush here to there. We have less time it seems than people did years ago. The fact is that, we just burn more of it and demand more from it. But when you can take some of that time and turn it into a profit, things can begin to look, well, up. Mobile computing allows you to stay focused, no matter what you do or when - on a variety of options and to a variety of networks. Here are some of the ways that you can stay ahead of the game.

Planning a power lunch but afraid to leave the office to miss some important email? Well then don't worry, take a mobile computing device with you. You can take your whole laptop if you like, but you just do not have to. You can use your pocket PC or even your mobile computing cell phone to do all the work for you. Yes, nothing is easier.

Need to send a file and forgot to? You don't even need to call the office and tell them that you messed up again. All you need to do is to flip open that phone and begin a mobile computing session that will get the job done in seconds.

There are so many ways that mobile computing fits into our lives. In fact, there are so many ways and we use them so much that we seem to forget what life is like without them. Mobile computing is one of the most important, can't-live-without-it services that we have today.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

First impression is the best impression during an interview

Whеn уоu аrе lооking fоr a job, оnе оf thе mоѕt important things уоu саn dо iѕ make a positive impact аt уоur firѕt interview. If уоu make a good firѕt impression, thеn thе rest оf thе interview might аlѕо gо well; however, if уоu dоn't make a good firѕt impression, thеn уоu will spend thе rest оf thе interview trуing tо make uр fоr уоur weak introduction - nоt a good wау tо gеt tо thе ѕесоnd interview оr land аn offer. Sо hоw dо уоu introduce уоurѕеlf аt thе interview tо leave a great lasting impression? Trу thеѕе thrее interview techniques:

Handshake & Eyes: Uѕе a firm handshake аnd lооk уоur interviewer in thе eyes. In American culture, a firm handshake аnd direct eye contact conveys confidence. If уоu аlѕо smile whilе dоing this, thеn it iѕ a winning combination. People whо introduce thеmѕеlvеѕ in thiѕ wау will create a favorable impression еvеn bеfоrе thе firѕt question iѕ asked.

Posture & Poise: Whеn уоu enter thе office оr conference room whеrе thе interview iѕ tо bе conducted, walk in with confidence - a quick stride, head up, аnd shoulders straight. Whеn offered a chance tо sit down, thеn uѕе thе whоlе chair. Dоn't slouch, but dо sit with уоur back straight аgаinѕt thе back оf thе chair withоut уоur legs crossed. Good posture will аlѕо send a message juѕt аѕ muсh аѕ аnу answer уоu givе tо a раrtiсulаr question. Whеn asked a question, think аbоut thе question аnd pause bеfоrе уоu answer. If уоu juѕt blurt оut whаtеvеr iѕ top оf mind, уоu might nоt answer thе question, аnd worse, уоu might аlѕо ѕау ѕоmеthing thаt dоеѕn't make sense. Pausing аnd thеn offering a good answer iѕ оnе wау tо maintain уоur poise in thе interview.

Clarity оf Message аnd short answers: Obviously, if уоu think bеfоrе уоu speak, уоu will hаvе bеttеr responses. Further, if уоu hаvе anticipated thе likеlу questions, уоu might аlrеаdу hаvе prepared answers. Rеgаrdlеѕѕ whеthеr уоu аrе speaking impromptu оr relying оn prepared responses, trу tо kеер уоur answers short аnd tо thе point. Short, сlеаr messages add tо thе image оf success аnd confidence. If уоu ramble оn аnd оn with a convoluted response, thеn уоu convey convoluted thinking, nоt confidence. Uѕе short, сlеаr sentences tо rеѕроnd tо questions.

Thеѕе thrее interview tips аrе simple, аnd easy tо do. If уоu wаnt tо make a positive impression thаt increases уоur chances оf success, practice thеѕе thrее techniques. Oftеn it iѕ thе simple things thаt саn make a big difference. With a littlе practice, thеѕе techniques will bесоmе ѕесоnd nature, аnd уоu will bе аblе tо introduce уоurѕеlf with confidence. Whеn уоu interview with confidence уоu will increase уоur chances оf gеtting аn offer аnd landing a job.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

5 Tips for Offshore Software Development

As a business owner or manager, the decision to opt for offshore software development can be difficult. As anyone who has experience knows, there are advantages and disadvantages to outsourcing software development. How then, do you balance the risks and rewards and come out on top? Here are five tips to ensure that you receive an excellent return on investment:

1. Complex project management experience. When selecting an offshore software development company, ensure that they have extensive experience in complex project management. The company's internal team should run like a well-oiled machine, and they should have longstanding relationships with their own subcontractors.

2. Specialized knowledge and expertise. The most agile software development companies have an extensive network of specialists. These specialists may not be on the company payroll (which is why the company can offer you significant cost savings), but they can be depended upon to complete the necessary tasks on time and within the budget.

3. Knowledge of your industry. In theory, offshore software development companies should be able to perform custom software development for any type of business. There will be less of a learning curve, though, and greater chances for success, if the company has knowledge of your industry or a related industry. For this reason, ask for referrals and determine if the projects the company has managed are similar to or in alignment with the goals of your project.

4. Delineate areas of responsibility. Chances are, you're considering hiring an offshore software development company because you don't have the in-house expertise to get the job done and know that it is more cost-effective to outsource the project. Nonetheless, you will need to actively participate in a needs assessment and at various benchmarks throughout the life of the project. By creating a clear delineation of areas of responsibility, you will have a clear understanding of the number of staff hours you need to devote to the project, and plan accordingly.

 5. High standards. Both you and the offshore software development company you choose should adhere to high standards. Aside from the talent of the technical experts involved, successful custom software development depends upon rigorous testing. The most dependable companies use the highest industry standards in testing each aspect of the products they create so that you receive a product that is ready to implement.

Essentially, the most successful offshore software development companies are competent and flexible, and see their role as an information technology partner who solves your software problems, supports your team, and manages your projects from beginning to end. When you choose such a company, you can rest assured that you will receive an excellent return on investment.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Your Information Technology Career: Certification vs. Experience

Whether you're just starting your Information Technology career, or wanting to get further ahead in your current IT career, you have probably thought about earning one of the many popular computer certifications such as the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification, or the MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) cert.

A major point of frustration for individuals pursuing one of these certifications is a possible lack of experience with these technologies.  Many future CCNAs or MCSEs simply stop trying to earn their certification, feeling that their lack of experience will hold them back. 

Adding to this are those in IT who will stop everything they're doing at the drop of a hat to stomp on the dreams of others.  I recently saw a post by an IT newcomer on a popular website where he declared his intention of earning his CCNA.  Within minutes, several naysayers popped up and told him that he shouldn't bother, it wouldn't do any good due to his lack of experience, etc.  (Did you ever notice that people who bash certifications generally don't have any themselves?)

I am in no way discounting the importance of experience.  What I am saying is that every single one of us was a beginner at one point, and a lot of IT professionals forget this.  None of us was born knowing everything we know today, and we shouldn't spend any time dismissing the goals of others in the IT field, or those just breaking in.

I am speaking from experience on this point.  I had a tough time breaking into the IT field, and made a lot of calls and knocked on a lot of doors before I got in.  I found out later that the reason I got that entry-level job is that I had a professional certification where the other candidates did not. 

The pursuit of certification is the pursuit of knowledge, and in our field, you can never have too much knowledge.  If your work is strictly on the Local Area Network side, don't let that stop you from pursuing a CCNA.  If you work exclusively on the WAN side, don't let that stop you from going after your MCSE.  If you're just breaking into Information Technology, don't let a lack of experience prevent you from studying for your A+, Network+, or even your MCSE or CCNA.

Because one day, opportunity is going to knock - and the more you know, the readier you'll be to answer that knock!   Use your long-range vision to envision the day when you will have both experience and certification - an unbeatable combination.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Career Planning

Whether you are about to graduate from college, or want to change jobs at a later point in life, career planning is a very important aspect of the process.  Before you actually start applying for positions, it is essential to be certain of the areas you would like to work in.  The worst thing that could happen is not to take any steps in the career planning process, and end up in a job that you are unhappy with, or do not have the proper skill set for.

Career quizzes are often helpful in the career planning process.  These are often a great first step when trying to determine what type of jobs you'd be best suited for.  Many are available online, and address some of the following areas:  identifying your skills and abilities; determining if you prefer working with people, data or things; or summarizing what workplace values are most important to you.  By compiling all of this information, you'll usually get a general idea of what fields you should be seriously checking out.  The quizzes often list suitable occupations based on your answers.

One avenue that would be best to explore is signing up for career counseling.  There are many free services, mainly ones offered by the government, or at post-secondary institutions, that will get you started on your career planning journey.  Career counselors are trained professionals that will be able to offer you advice and make realistic recommendations on what area you would be best suited to work in.  They will look over your academic training, and often administer aptitude tests to see what careers you should be exploring.

Researching companies that you could picture yourself working for is another great step in the career planning process.  Check out their websites for information, and to see what type of positions they may be hiring for.  When possible, try to set up a meeting with a member of the department you'd like to be a part of, so that you may ask them questions and find out about the day to day aspects of the company on a more intimate level.  Check the newspapers and magazines to see if the company is mentioned at all, and see if the articles are favorable or not.  Although this may seem very simple, it can be a valuable part of your career planning.

If you think you may need to go back to school in order to make a career change, obtaining a catalog from a local post-secondary institution is a good way to kick start career planning.  Look through what programs are offered, what skills are required to be accepted to programs of interest, and what type of a time commitment you'd be looking at in order to make this change.  See if prior employment or life experience will work in your favor, and give you advanced standing into your selected programs.  People often forget to check into educational requirements for certain careers, and may waste time and energy by skipping this step in the career planning process.

An often underrated aspect of career planning is talking with your friends and family.  Discuss with them in detail what it is they do, and ask them to honestly tell you what they could picture you doing for a living.  Who knows? They may see something that you've overlooked, and it could be the missing link to your career planning process.

Career planning is something that everyone is faced with at some point in their lives, and it should not be taken lightly, although you can have some fun with it.  Most important of all is to be honest and realistic with yourself, and make sure you ultimately choose a path that will make you happy and keep you financially secure.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How To Start Your Career In Information Technology

Many newcomers to Information Technology get an overly-optimistic picture of the field from tech school ads that continually make note that "an average MCSE salary is $80.000 a year!".  

And if someone's thinking of getting into IT and goes on the internet to do some research, they're met with the opposite end of the spectrum - complaint after complaint about how much IT is a terrible field, you can't break in, there's no room for newcomers, etc.

As usual, the truth lies in the middle.  As much as I love the IT field, I'll be the first to say that it's often hard to get that first job.  Many tech schools have a job placement department, and that can be one big plus in their favor. 

What if you don't have that resource working for you?  When you're breaking into any field, IT or not, you must not make the classic mistake of sending a ton of resumes and waiting for the phone to ring.   The odds are that it won't.

You must get out and talk to people.  The term "networking" doesn't just refer to allowing computers to talk to each other; it also refers to people talking to each other.  In your case, you've got to get out and meet people.  Check the business section of your local newspaper.  There will be dozens of networking meetings listed in there.  It doesn't matter that you aren't in the field yet; go to these meetings and meet people.  Initiative is never a bad thing.

And once you get that first job, make it count.  Show up on time and do what you say you'll do.  If you don't know something, dig into Google and find the answer or ask a more knowledgeable colleague.  (Just doing these few basic things will put you way ahead of the pack.)

Getting started in IT is as tough as breaking into any other field.  Having worked in a few different jobs in my life, though, I can tell you this:  No other field in the world rewards individual drive, initiative, and achievement like Information Technology.  The fact that you have to work so hard to get in will make your eventual and unstoppable success just that much sweeter.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Three Ways To Jumpstart Your IT Career

We all get stuck in ruts from time to time, and that happens on the job as well.  You've thought about doing something different with your information technology career, but just haven't quite gotten around to it yet.  Sound familiar?

You can make 2014 the best year yet for your IT career.  There are several simple steps you can take to accelerate your career - but you have to take the step, not just think about it!

Learn something new.  One of the biggest reasons you get tired of a job is that you're doing the same thing every day.  If you happen to love what you do, that's great, but if not it's time to break out of the box.  Besides, learning a new skill adds value to your career.  If you've been doing server work for a long time, take the time to learn some Cisco skills.  If you're an Exchange specialist, learn some Linux skills.

Get certified.   Not very many of us get to work for the same company for the rest of our IT careers.  The only job security is the security you give yourself, and one of the ways to get that security is to add professional certifications to your resume. Certifications such as the MCSE and CCNA get you noticed and help you stand out from the crowd.  Ask yourself what your resume would look like if you were laid off today, and then take steps to improve yourself and your professional standing.

Be prepared to take one step backwards in order to take multiple steps forward.  You may be in a situation I was in a while back when my employer saw me as strictly a server guy.  I wanted to get on the Cisco side of things, but there was this perception that I was "only a LAN guy".  I had to leave that company to get my shot.  There was some short-term financial pain, but in the long run it was the best career move I've ever made.

People get typecast in every field.  In his book "Often Wrong, Never In Doubt", Donny Deutsch writes about a job candidate who wanted to become a junior ad executive, but couldn't break in with his current employer - which was an ad agency!  He was typecast in a support role, so he applied to other ad firms and was quickly hired.

Sometimes you have to look outside your current situation in order to create a new situation for yourself.  Don't be afraid to take a step backwards in order to open up new possibilities for yourself.  There's an amazing career out there, waiting for you - if you have the courage to make it and take it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Should you Include GPA and Coursework on your Resume?

Your grade point in your resume speaks for your education and your level of overall academic success. It is vital to note these details on your resume; your interviewer will use it to determine your aptitude for learning which is important for new jobs and internships. Omit your grade point average and potential employers may wonder why. Generally speaking, those that omit GPA do so because they have a low score. If your GPA is above 3.0, make sure you include it on your resume. If you grade point average is 3.8 to 4.0, make sure you include that information in your cover letter also; it is something to be proud of.

You must also include a brief list of major coursework. This information offers information to a potential employer about subjects and areas of expertise that you have already been exposed to.

Your grade point average and major coursework speaks of your strengths and will enable your employer to immediately understand your ability to research, write and disseminate information. It is better to include your grade point average in your resume, as it is important for them to gauge you since you do not otherwise have any work experience so to say. It also provides you with a very solid reference, which is always desirable when you are first starting out in the working world.

It may look something like this:

Master of International Management – 3.8 GPA    May 2009
Name of College, City, ST
Specialty: International Marketing
Major Coursework: Business Management, Economics, Marketing, Sales, Corporate Finance
However, you should not include your GPA if it is below 2.7. Wait until the interview when you can discuss your reasoning face to face with the employer.

It is particularly useful to mention your grade point average because there are certain careers, which assign a lot of importance to your grades and your academic performance. These would include, but are not limited to, jobs that place a heavy emphasis on math and science knowledge. Along with your grade point average, you must also make it a point to elaborate on your other capabilities such as successful research projects, internships or relevant community activities at school. All this goes a long way in getting that sought after job.

Including your grade point average in a resume enables you to be evaluated based on your future capabilities. This along with including tangible transferable skills on your resume is what will land you a great job. It is always advisable to present as much positive information on your resume as possible, especially given the very competitive nature of most jobs these days.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Importance of Cover Letters

Are you interested in changing careers?  If you are, will you soon start examining all open jobs in or around your area, if you haven’t already done so?  Once you are able to find one or more jobs that meet or exceed your expectations, you will likely start submitting your resume.  Before this point in time comes, you will want to place a focus on cover letters.

Speaking of cover letters, do you already have a cover letter developed?  If you do not, this is one of the first things that you will want to do.  Unfortunately, many job seekers do not realize the importance of cover letters and the impact they may have them.  For more information on why cover letters are so important, as well as tips on how to make the “perfect,” cover letter, you will want to continue reading on.

As for the importance of resume cover letters, you will find that there are a number of different reasons why they are needed.  Cover letters are most commonly used with resumes that will be mailed in.  When you submit a job application in person, you are able to introduce yourself to the individual who is collecting them. This introduction is not possible when you simply mail in a resume. That is what cover letters are used for. They give you the opportunity to quickly introduce yourself before your resume is read.

Resume cover letters are also important, as they can serve as a backup plan. Although resume cover letters come in a number of different formats, you often introduce yourself, outline how you learned about the job, why you would like to have it, and why you are qualified for it.  If properly written, a resume cover letter can act as a backup plan. This is important, as not all resumes or perfect.  If your resume is difficult to read, employers should be able to use your cover letter to determine whether or not you should be contacted for a job interview.

As outlined above, resume cover letters are important and there are a number of benefits to using them to your advantage. As nice as it is to know how cover letters can assist you with landing a job or at least getting a job interview, you may be curious as to what constitutes a good cover letter. A previously stated, cover letters come in a number of different formats. With that in mind, they all have the same goal. That goal is to sell you as the perfect candidate for the job. When an employer reads your cover letter, you want them to turn the page to see your resume with excitement.

When creating a resume cover letter for yourself, will want to first introduce yourself and mention the job that you are applying for. You may event to outline where you learned about the job opening.  Many employers like hearing this information, as it gives them reassurance that their marketing tactics are working.  You will also want to outline your work experience and state why you feel you are qualified for the position in which you are applying for. When it comes to listing your qualifications and work experience, it is important to only site a few examples, as this information can also be found on your resume.

If you are planning on applying for multiple jobs, you will want to create multiple resume cover letters.  This is important, as not all job opportunities are the same.  You can create a resume cover letter template, but be sure to customize that template each time before submitting it to prospective employers.  Customization and personalization is important, as it can help your resume and cover letter stand apart from all of the rest.

As previously stated, you are advised to submit your resume with a cover letter. This is particularly important if you will be mailing your resume in, instead of submitting it in person.  In fact, you will see that many employers are now starting to require cover letters for mailed in resumes and job applications.